We are now allowing a total of 30 people in the studio space at one time, in line with the small venue limit of 1 person per 4 square metres. So over the past few weeks we have had almost full-houses in our Thursday morning 10 o’clock class.
We are continuing to allow Zoom logins for the convenience of people who are remote or in self-isolation.
You can join the Zoom meeting with the same credentials as for the last few meetings. These are provided via email when you purchase a ticket. We would ask everyone to please either phone in (3488 2230) or purchase a ticket online if they wish to attend the 10 o’clock Thursday class, so we can limit the numbers in line with government guidelines.
Stay safe and please observe social distancing when you are in our uke classes. Please email me or phone through any requests for songs to be performed at our sessions.
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