RCU Charts

RCU's 04-11-21

The ukulele chord charts below have been created in-house and made available to RCU (Redlands Coast Ukes) club members solely for private practice and instructional purposes. We will be progressively adding charts to this list as we learn more songs. Click on each song to open the pdf chart for that song – you can print these out or just learn them on-screen.

Len and Karen Henderson lead the RCU’s group twice a month – on the second and fourth Thursday of each month. Meetings are held at the Lions Club Hall Cleveland from 2pm to 4pm. Uke players of all levels are welcome to join the RCU’s club. For more information contact Cilla Wills on 0422 407 902.

Setlists for Straddie Markets 10th Dec 2023 link to setlist * Updated 06-12-23 *